Terms and Conditions

Thank you for being part of our event. This statement outlines JDRF’s responsibilities to you with regards to our event and our website, as well as obligations that will help to ensure your safety, including a disclaimer. Please read this document in full and contact JDRF on 1300 363 126 or info@jdrf.org.au with any questions. Thank you for your support. 

  • Part A - Your Personal Details
  • Part B - Our Website 
  • Part C - Our Event
  • Part D – Mandatory Risk Warning and Consent to participate

Part A - Your Personal Details

Privacy Collection Statement 

We collect the personal information you provide to us to enable us to record your donation and contact you in the future, including to inform you about promotions or activities which we think you may be interested in. We may disclose your personal information to organisations or individuals who assist us in processing your donation or where you have agreed we may disclose it. For further details, including how to access and correct your personal information, or information about JDRF's complaints handling processes, please see our Privacy Policy at https://jdrf.org.au/privacy-policy/ 

The personal and medical information that you provide us for the JDRF One Ride will be disclosed to the logistics and medical team supporting the event, for the purposes of the wellbeing and safety of all participants should a medical emergency arise. 

Part B – Our website 

By accessing, browsing, or using the JDRF One Ride website, which sits on a ‘Funraisin’ platform, or completing the registration process to become a participant in our event, you acknowledge that you have read this notice and agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions set out below, as amended from time to time: 

  • Information on this website

Online registration for our event will result in the registered participant’s name and a personal web page being made publicly available online. Contact details will not be made publicly available.
Unless marked as anonymous, all online donations towards registered participants will result in the donor’s name being published on the webpage of the participant they have sponsored.
JDRF reserves the right to remove any objectionable or inappropriate information posted to the personal websites of registered participants. This includes text and images.
JDRF believed the information on this Website to be accurate and current as at the date the information was placed on this Website.
Any party engaged in illegal activities involving the use of the website will be subject to civil and criminal sanctions and prosecution. 

  • Amendments to these Terms and Conditions

JDRF may amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time and any amendment will become effective immediately. Your continued use of the Website after amendment constitutes an agreement to abide by and be bound by those Terms and Conditions, as amended. 

Products and Services

Nothing in these Terms and Conditions excludes or limits the application of any provision of any statute where to do so would contravene that statute or cause any part of these Terms and Conditions to be void.

Subject to the preceding paragraph: 

  1. JDRF does not warrant that any products or services advertised on the Website will be available; and 
  2. JDRF excludes all implied conditions and warranties except any implied condition or warranty the exclusion of which would contravene any statute or cause any part of these Terms and Conditions to be void. 

It is a violation of the law to place orders under a false name or with a fraudulently obtained credit card. Fraudulent ordering will be prosecuted to the fullest extent the law allows. 

Part C – Our Event: JDRF One Ride

Conditions of entry

To participate in the JDRF One Ride each person must register online, pay a non-refundable registration fee of $100 and choose a Fundraising Package. Each package has a minimum fundraising target. Once the participant has banked the minimum fundraising target, they will be eligible to participate in the JDRF One Ride.

Registrants must be over the age of 14 to participate in the JDRF One Ride 

Registration fees 

A non-refundable registration fee of $100 will apply to enter the JDRF One Ride. The entry fee is not a donation to JDRF but forms part of your fundraising goal. Please seek independent advice on your tax arrangements. 

Minimum fundraising targets and banking deadlines 

Each participant must reach or exceed their minimum fundraising target to participate in the event. Participants who have not banked sufficient funds, or who cannot provide proof that sufficient funds have been secured (e.g. via matching gift programs) will not be allowed to participate.

To ensure all participants fundraise in a timely manner JDRF has implemented some fundraisling deadlines.  

All participants are requested to follow the fundraising deadlines below as this will allow JDRF to proceed with booking flights and accommodation at best prices. Participants who register close to or after the first fundraising date are asked to bank $1,000 as soon as possible to secure flights and accommodation. 

JDRF cannot confirm flights and/or accommodation for participants who have not banked fundraising as per the fundraising guidelines listed below: 

Package Type

Fundraising Target

Fundraising Deadline #1

1st Mar 2025

Fundraising Deadline #2

1st July 2025

Fundraising Deadline #3

14 Nov 2025

Full Package Rider





Weekend Only Rider





Non-Riding Supporter





Day Only Rider






Non-Riding Supporter Package and fundraising target

JDRF understands that some Riders may wish to bring a supporter with them to the event who will not be riding. To assist this JDRF has created a Non-Riding Supporter Package which includes all aspects of the weekend excluding participation in the Ride itself. Non-Riding Supporters must pay a non-refundable registration fee of $100, achieve a minimum fundraising target of $2,700 and share a room with their fundraising Full Package rider partner. Each Non-Riding Supporter must complete a separate registration and nominate the registered Rider they will be supporting. Space for Non-Riding Supporters will be subject to availability and cannot be guaranteed.

The minimum fundraising target will not be reduced if Riders elect to not take advantage of all nights at the hotel, all meals, ground transportation or other standard package benefits. 

Travel and accommodation

Interstate flights

If you are eligible for flights* to the event (Full Package Riders and Non-Riding Supporters) JDRF will contact you in asking you to choose pre-identified flights for Friday 28th November and Sunday 30th November 2025. JDRF’s travel agent will then make the booking and advise you of your flight details. 

*Those eligible for flights are Full Package Riders and Non-Riding Supporters who have reached their 1st fundraising deadline of 1st March 2025.

Transporting your bike

Your bike will need to be packed in a box or carry bag for transportation. If you are booked on a Qantas flight you can obtain a bike box direct from Qantas which should be done no later than 1 month before you leave. Your local bike shop may be able to assist you with packing your bike into the box. 

JDRF will supply bike technicians for the event. On arrival at the hotel, they can unpack your bike and set it up for you if you wish and at the end of the Ride they can also repack your bike for your trip home. 

It is each participant’s personal responsibility to get their bike to the airport. JDRF is unable to assist in transporting bikes outside of the above arrangements due to the cost and logistical difficulty in supplying these facilities, particularly at late notice. We highly recommend that you consider travel insurance when transporting a bike. 


Accommodation will be twin share at the Novotel, Barossa Valley. Single person accommodation (own room) may be available subject to availability for an additional fee of $400 per night. The additional cost will be charged to the participant’s credit card prior to the weekend and only guaranteed once the charge is processed.

The individual room night rate for Day Riders wishing to stay at the Novotel is confirmed at $400, which aligns with the contract price.

Coach transfers for flights arranged by JDRF

Upon arrival at Adelaide airport, Full Package and Non Riding Supporters will be met by the JDRF Team. Once you have collected your luggage the JDRF Team will escort you to the coach for transfer to the Barossa Valley. In order for the coaches to meet all flights you may be required to wait for a short while at the airport until all guests for that coach have arrived. 

Coach transfers for flights you book

If you choose to book your own flights you must let your JDRF Account Manager know if you require transport to the Barossa Valley or if you have arranged your own transport. 

Returning home

The trucks transporting the bikes from the Barossa Valley to Adelaide airport will arrive at the airport in time for you to meet your JDRF booked flight. If you have booked your own flights, you must contact your JDRF Account Manager to advise of your plans. If you would like JDRF to transport your bike to the Adelaide airport you must meet the bike truck at the airport to collect your bike. Please note that there are not any bike storage facilities available at Adelaide airport. Each participant is solely responsible for their own luggage including bikes. 

JDRF is unable to arrange additional transport outside of that which JDRF arranges to meet designated flights.

Aid Stations

At each designated Aid Station, JDRF’s event support team will provide basic nutrition such as water and fruit. JDRF does not provide energy or protein supplements or other high-level sustenance. All participants should consider their own health and medical needs and carry with them their requirements, particularly those on the 160km ride route.

Rider Cancellation Policy

JDRF is bound by contracts with several different organisations to make this event possible. This means that JDRF must provide guarantees by certain deadlines, resulting in established costs that must be covered. A Rider Cancellation Policy has been established to ensure that these obligations are met. The schedule below details the fee that will be charged by JDRF if a Rider cancels their own participation from the event. (The amount charged on the cancelling participant’s credit card will be the difference between the cancellation fee and the amount of funds banked before and including the day of cancellation).

Cancellation Fees: 

JDRF Cancellation Policy

JDRF reserves the right to cancel any person’s participation at any stage if, in JDRF’s opinion, it is unlikely the rider will meet the minimum fundraising target of the participation package they have selected.

At JDRF’s discretion a rider may be allowed to participate on a package with a lower fundraising target then originally selected, subject to the minimum fundraising target of the new package being exceeded.

All funds (including donations, online fundraising, and the non-refundable registration fee) will stay with JDRF upon cancellation/withdrawal from the event.

Regardless of cancellation date, all funds raised as a result of participation in the JDRF One Ride must be remitted to JDRF.

Part D – Mandatory Risk Warning and Consent to Participate   

JDRF provides the following risk warning pursuant to its obligations under the Civil Liability Act, 2002:


By registering for the JDRF One Ride, you acknowledge that you will assume all risks in connection with your participation in the event and acknowledge that JDRF is not liable in respect of these risks materialising, or for the breach of any express or implied warranty that services it provides will be provided with reasonable care and skill.  You hereby release JDRF and waive all claims against JDRF, event sponsors and personnel for any losses, damages or injury you might suffer to or arising from this event, whether by their negligent act or omission of how so ever caused. You acknowledge that you will assume all risks in connection with your participation in the JDRF One Ride and acknowledge that JDRF is not liable in respect of these risks materialising, or for the breach of any express or implied warranty that services it provides will be provided with reasonable care and skill.

You acknowledge that children under 18 years old require consent of their parent or guardian before fundraising through our website for the JDRF One Ride. Please refer to the JDRF Australia Terms and Conditions of Website Usage and Privacy Policy at https://jdrf.org.au/privacy-policy/

You grant full permission for the organiser to use photographs of you and quotations from you in legitimate accounts and promotions of this event.  

You agree to surrender all monies collected for the JDRF One Ride by you to JDRF by 31 December 2025. 

You state that you are fully capable of taking part in this event and do so voluntarily.